Career Readiness/Exploratory
The Pennsylvania Department of Education’s adoption of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the Future Ready PA Index ensures part each students’ education will consist of a Career Readiness component. The Career Readiness Indicator (CRI) will be used to measure student progress at both the state and federal levels without adding additional standardized assessments. Students will collect evidence created through interdisciplinary content to create a working portfolio that will assist them post high school graduation. The goal is for a more holistic education to ensure long term student success in the global and commonwealth's current and emerging workforce.
Pennsylvania’s economic future depends on having a well-educated and skilled workforce that is prepared to meet the current and projected demands of a global , knowledge-based 21st century economy. Therefore, it is imperative that Pennsylvania students at all educational levels have access to high-quality academic and technical education, as well as opportunities to assess interest, build skills, and identify and explore careers align to those interests and skills. Regardless of their postsecondary plans, all students should leave secondary education with a solid foundation in career education and work. (Pennsylvania Department of Education, 2017).
The development of the Middle School Career Readiness and Exploratory course is meant to expose students to mandated Career Education and Work standards (accessible at the left) through Career Ready specific curriculum.