State Testing Information for Parents
Pennsylvania Standardized Testing is used to measure student progress and achievement. To ensure the most success for your child, we recommend students:
- get enough sleep the night before (at least 8 hours of restful sleep)
- wake up early with enough time to get to school without rushing
- eat a good breakfast
- dress comfortably and in layers
- avoid unnecessary absences and be on time
- turn off and turn-in any cell phones, smart watches, or other smart technology to their Test Administrator before the session begins.
- ask teachers about any concerns or questions they have about testing prior to the test dates
- follow the Code of Conduct for Test Takers (below)
All students enrolled in the Central Greene School District (brick and mortar & eLearning Academy) are required to participate in the PSSA State Standardized Testing.
The Testing Schedule for grades 7 & 8 this year is as follows:
- April 25
- April 26
- April 27
- May 2
- May 3
- SCIENCE (8th Grade Only)
- May 4
- Makeups
- May 1 - May 12
The PSSAs are untimed assessments that occur in the mornings.
Students that arrive after 8:30 will not be admitted to the testing room for that Section and will have to make-up that Section in a makeup session at a later date.
All students enrolled in Algebra in the Central Greene School District (brick and mortar & eLearning Academy) are required to participate in the Keystone Assessments as part of PDE Pathways graduation requirements.
The Testing dates for students currently enrolled in tested subjects are:
- Algebra:
- May 16
- Makeups
- May 17- 28
The Keystones are untimed all-day assessments.
Students that arrive after 8:30 will not be admitted to the testing room for Module 1 and will have to make-up that Module in a makeup session at a later date.